Finding a balance between work and life is achievable. It’s one choice we can all initiate by identifying and embracing key factors that will contribute to any effort to living harmoniously.

What does finding balance mean? And what’s involved with finding it? Defining balance is a singular experience, but there are various ways of approaching this life choice. The approach aside, in order to find a balance between work and life, we each must determine what it represents individually. For some, it could mean embracing peace and harmony. For others, it could be about finding time for friends and family. It can also be about creating a distinct line between work life and personal life. There are different representations of what it is to have a balance life. However, there is only one individual representation of what it means personally.

Finding symmetry is an emotional and spiritual journey that is a choice. Wanting it means embracing the need to match the inner-self with the outer-self. And embracing what harmony is for “you.”

The Ideals of a balance life

Imagine getting to a place where thoughts about life and what’s needed to be happy, isn’t just a thought, but an actionable process. This would require an introspective process, which isn’t a simple process for many. It’s not a simple process, but a process well worth the effort if finding balance between work and life is important.

The Practice Of Achieving Balance

Paraphrasing the words of an original thinker of Psychology and Philosophy, William James, when he said, changing the inner attitude of our mind could change the outer aspect of our lives. His words, represents the process, or precisely show what’s involved with wanting to find a balance between work and life. It’s a process we should try to embody. It is only by aligning what’s happening within that we can effectively manage our outer lives.

With an understanding of the process, it makes sense that focusing on thoughts and feelings should be a priority when the goal is finding a balance between work and life. This is especially true when thinking of the relationship between the inner and outer self.

As an example, if a goal is to achieve our best. It would be a necessary to believe innately, or in our hearts, that achieving our best is possible. How else are we going to bring our best selves forward if we don’t believe in our nucleus that we can do it?

Our inner-selves, or our sub-conscious, is a powerful indicator of our outer selves. Whether we realize it, what dwells in our subconscious, affects us consciously.

Connecting self-awareness with finding balance

The process of self-awareness is never easy. Why? Because self-awareness is necessary, but not typical. We cannot understand our inner-self or achieve balance in life if we are not self-aware. Another reason self-awareness is necessary is the clarity it provides. Clarity enables us to better define our life’s purpose, enabling us to answer specific questions about our lives. Questions such as:

  1. What are my core values and beliefs?
  2. What are my goals?
  3. What am I passionate about?
  4. What’s important to me?

Connecting with our inner-self and becoming self-aware involves connecting with the subconscious mind. Our mind carries the substance of our inner-self. It is a vast and complicated depot that’s a part of who we are.

Our subconscious mind also reflects the external stimulations in our lives. It can remember all experienced events. It’s also a bonanza of distinct memories. Whether its fears we harbor, or recollection of memories that affected us positively or negatively.

Priority, Motivation, Values = PMV

Understanding ourselves better is the framework of finding balance. Our priorities, motivation and values (PMV) are the cornerstone for understanding ourselves. Do you know what your PMV, your priorities, motivation and values are?

The ability to understand and define your PMV is an important part of finding balance. To help define and embrace your PMV, ask yourself a series of introspective questions.

  • What do I hope to achieve?
  • Why should I say yes or no?
  • Who will I disappoint if I say no?
  • What are my strengths?
  • What am I worried about?
  • What comforts me?
  • What accomplishments am I proud of?

4 Tips for a finding balance between work and life

Achieving a balance between work and life is a learning process. Here are some suggestions to help achieve your individual life balance.

1. Evaluate your life as it is now. Take the time to determine the conditions of your personal life.

  • Are you physically exhausted?
  • Mentally drained?
  • Relationships out of alignment?

Answer yes to any or these questions and chance are your life is out of balance.

2. Attempt to live in balance

A deliberate effort to achieving balance allows goals to be reachable. It also helps with finding purpose and identifying priorities’ motivation and values (PMV).

3. Continuously set goals

As mentioned before, finding balance is an emotional and spiritual journey. Set goals in these areas to achieve a balance life.

Related: Types Of Goals We Set

4. Choose to renew efforts daily

Change doesn’t happen overnight. Therefore, it takes constant deliberate effort to embrace a balanced life. Make the choice to adapt daily flexible routines in order to achieve balance.

Flexibility is important because if something isn’t working, then it makes sense to try another strategy. Change takes effort, and it may involve reassessing your action plan for a solid outcome.

Related: Success Habits Worth Mastering


Imagine this scenario: Much of the world seems in chaos and uncontrollable. Nothing you do seems to make a difference and sometimes things seem to get worse.

Ever notice that as you felt in balance, chaos dissipates? It’s proof that our inner-world reflects our outer world.

What’s in our mind is the core of our inner-self. Finding balance starts within, then it is reflects externally around us.

We all want to achieve our goals and the success we aspire. We also want to enjoy the fruits of our labor and in order to do that, we need to connect with our inner-self and use it as a bridge to construct the balance we want in life.