What is your money trait?

Money Personality Quiz

Our finances connect every part of our lives

From socializing with friends, how we earn an income, to the food we eat and the clothes we wear. As much as it is an innate part of our lives, its use is singular; each of us have a unique relationship with it.

One thing is clear, regardless of our relationship with money, we are either spenders, savers or money makers. Still, there are seven major categories that define our approach to money and the free e-book you will receive after taking the money personality quiz below will elaborate on each category.

We are sure you know that as much as there are those who love to save or spend, there are also those who are indifferent to spending and those who simply love to make money. Understanding the various money traits may be useful when approaching the overall management of your finances.

It make sense to conclude

Your thoughts and behavior regarding money can affect your bottom line. Understanding your approach to money will shape your approach to spending, saving and making money. However, it won’t change your money personality. Being aware of your traits and adjusting in order to meet your financial goals, may produce better results. 

Self awareness and an understanding of where you stand with regards to money will allow you to better achieve your financial objectives.

Take the Money Personality Quiz below and learn more about your unique way of dealing with money.