Opportunities, Don’t Miss The Life Changing Ones
We can easily miss opportunities if we are not honest with ourselves and the choices we make. It starts with honest self-reflection.
Reinvent Your Life
To reinvent your life means you can choose to change anything about your life that you don’t like, or that you feel is holding you back.
Obsolete, Is There A Secret To Staying Relevant?
Obsolete happens when you choose not to embrace change and allow yourself to become irrelevant. Live a life of relevance.
IF 411 benefits of intermittent fasting are many, one of which is to give the body the time it needs to replenish and recharge.
Random Acts Of Kindness
Random acts of kindness are as uncommon as it is common. It also doesn’t always happen, but when it does, it can astonish you.
You Are A Work In Progress
You are a work in progress, whether things are going great in life, or even if nothing seems to go right at the moment.