This entry is part 7 of 7 in the series Idea To Profit Series

Implementation is the goal of this post. But First A Summary Of The Series.

The Ultimate Guide

Starting a new business is exciting. Thrilling because of the possibilities. However, this venture also carries inherent risks. Many aspiring entrepreneurs have brilliant ideas and grand visions for their ventures. Unfortunately, not all succeed. One crucial step that significantly increases the chances of success is testing an idea thoroughly before launching a business. Startup statistics show about 90% of startups fail. However, there are plenty of other reasons businesses fail.

To explore a step-by-step guide, read the previous posts in our “Idea to Profit” series. Here is a brief recap of the series.

In the first installment, also the introduction, we mentioned the reality of starting a business and the characteristics needed to turn a business idea into a successful, thriving business. Without a doubt, starting a business is commonplace. What’s uncommon are those who are successful in their efforts. It’s important to remember one point: Entrepreneurs are not born. They achieve their goals through determination, wit and a willingness to succeed.

Explore the first installment: The Ultimate Guide

The Idea & It’s Component

Our second installment of the series focused on the components and served as a roadmap for the first part of the series. Take a moment to review the roadmap. Then we discussed the importance of market research. We should not underestimate the importance of market research. As we’ve already mentioned, it can save time and effort when making decisive decisions about a business idea. Besides its timesaving benefit, there are other factors to consider that would make investing valuable time relevant.

View the second and third installments: The Idea And Its Component & Market Research

Revenue Model

This is the fourth installment in the series. It focuses on which model a business should adapt. A revenue model depends on the product or service the business offers. It’s also important to realize that knowing which model a company adopts makes it easier to determine a business revenue stream, as well as the targeted customers. Also, it will help to focus on pivotal factors that can assist in the growth and sustainability of a business model. Markedly, it will further clarify the challenges in defining a plan for distributing the profits throughout the business.

Read the fourth installment: Revenue Model.

Unique Selling Proposition

Then, we focus on yet another important factor of a business idea. The unique selling proposition and how to determine the USP of a product or service. A business owner, new or old, puts his/herself in a strong position when they can define the specific benefit of that business. When the owner can articulate why that business is different, what the benefit is of choosing to patronize that business and not its competitors.

Learn more about USP in the fifth Installment: Unique Selling Proposition.

Testing An Idea

Testing a business idea is about identifying risks and determining a new business financial needs. In short, it’s about ensuring a solid foundation for a business. In the sixth installment, we focused on testing a business idea to determine the foundation. Turning an idea into a profitable business involves making a lot of decisions, as you will see in this installment. We also refer to keywords mentioned through the series to make our point in this installment. Yet, the one phrase or set of words we wanted to restate are words that are an excellent visual representation of what starting a business is about. Here are the words again:

As an entrepreneur, you need to have a telescope in one hand and a microscope in the other.

Starting a business with an idea and profiting from that idea is not just about what’s in front of you. It’s also what’s ahead of you. It’s also inspecting and dissecting every part of the steps you take towards your ultimate aim.

Click the link to read the sixth Installment: Testing An Idea.


Idea in motion

When you’ve executed every step, it’s time to delve into the last post of part one of this series. In this last post, we will focus on implementation. Consider this quote by Tony Robbins when he said:

The world rewards action, not ideas. Implementation is key to turning dreams into reality. 

No matter what dreams or hopes we have. No matter how much work we’ve done to prepare, if we don’t have a plan to implement our hard work, then nothing will come of our hard work.

Implementation serves dual purposes. It not only helps to turn hard work into fruition, it is also a tool for prospective entrepreneurs. It helps them to center their attention on the steps to make their business idea a success.

Think of having short-term goals that lead to the success of long-term goals. We can compare a plan to implement your hard work to having a telescope in one hand a microscope in the other as mentioned above.

In this last installment of the first part of the series, we will attempt to cover what we view as the crucial eleven steps of implementation.

I. Identifying a Viable Business Idea

The first step in starting a new business is identifying a viable business idea. It should be based on a clear understanding of market demand, consumer needs, and industry trends. Conducting market research, analyzing competitors, and assessing the feasibility of an idea are essential part of the process. A viable business idea solves a problem, fulfils a need, or offers a unique value proposition to customers.

 II. Creating a Business Plan

A well-crafted business plan serves as a roadmap for the future of the business. It outlines the objectives, strategies, and financial projections. The business plan should include essential parts, such as an executive summary and company description. Likewise, it should also include market analysis, organization, and management structure. Also, product or service offerings, marketing and sales strategies, and financial projections.

A well-written executive summary portrays a concise overview of the entire business plan. It should also grab the attention of potential investors or lenders. The market analysis section details the findings from the market research, to showing the market’s potential, and including the business’s competitive advantage. The financial projections outline expected revenue, expenses, and profitability over a specific period, usually three to five years.

III. Securing Adequate Funding

Securing funds is a crucial aspect of starting a business, as it provides the capital to cover initial expenses, invest in resources, and sustain operations until the business becomes profitable. While various funding options are available, choosing the right one requires careful consideration and a solid financial plan. Below, we will highlight some common methods of securing funds for starting a business.

1. Personal Savings

Many entrepreneurs rely on their personal savings to fund their business ventures. Using personal funds offers autonomy and control over decision-making. This shows commitment and confidence in the business. However, personal savings may limit the required capital for ambitious projects.

2. Bank Loans

Entrepreneurs can approach banks and financial institutions for business loans. Bank loans can provide a lump sum amount that can finance different aspects of a business. However, getting a bank loan typically requires a solid credit history, collateral, and a detailed business plan that convinces the lender of the business’s viability and profitability.

3. Grants

Grants are funds provided by government agencies, non-profit organizations, or private foundations to support specific industries, social causes, or demographic groups. Grants are usually non-repayable, making them an attractive funding option. However, securing grants can be competitive and requires thorough research and preparation of grant proposals.

4. Venture Capital

Venture capital involves securing funds from investors for equity or part ownership of the business. Venture capitalists typically invest in high-growth potential businesses and provide capital, expertise, and networking opportunities. However, securing venture capital can be challenging, as investors often seek a high return on investment and may require a significant stake in the business.

5. Crowdfunding

Crowdfunding has gained popularity in recent years to secure funds for business ventures. Entrepreneurs can create online campaigns on crowdfunding platforms, where individuals contribute small amounts of money towards the business idea. Crowdfunding allows entrepreneurs to validate their business concept, generate initial capital, and build a community of supporters. However, successful crowdfunding campaigns require effective marketing, persuasive storytelling, and a unique value proposition.

6. Angel Investors

Angel investors are individuals who provide capital to early-stage businesses for equity or convertible debt. They often have experience in the industry and can offer mentorship, guidance, and funding. Connecting with angel investors requires networking and pitching the business idea effectively.

When securing funds for starting a business, it is essential to have a clear financial plan, realistic projections, and a compelling value proposition. Investors and lenders need to see the business’s potential for growth and profitability. Also, entrepreneurs should carefully evaluate the terms and conditions associated with different funding options. They should consider factors such as interest rates, repayment schedules, and the impact on ownership and control of the business.

IV. Legal Considerations

Complying with legal requirements is crucial for starting a business. Entrepreneurs must consider factors such as business structure, permits and licenses, tax obligations, and intellectual property protection.

Choosing the right business structure, whether a sole proprietorship, partnership, or corporation, affects legal and financial responsibilities. Registering the business and getting necessary permits and licenses ensures compliance with regulations.

Understanding tax obligations, such as income, sales, and payroll taxes, is vital to avoid legal issues. Consulting with a tax professional can provide guidance on tax planning and compliances. Also, protecting intellectual property through patents, trademarks, or copyrights safeguards the uniqueness and value of the business’s offerings.

V. Registering Your Business

Registering your business is crucial to ensure legal compliance and establish brand identity. Register the business name and get the licenses and permits needed to conduct the business. Depending on the business, an entrepreneur may also need to register for applicable taxes, such as sales or employment tax.

VI. Building a Strong Team

Building a solid and competent team is essential for the success of a new business. As a new business owner, creating a team that shares the vision and brings complementary skills and expertise to the table is optimal. An entrepreneur should also hire employees and collaborate with contractors who are passionate, dedicated, and aligned with the business goals. A new business owner should also invest in continuous learning and development to foster a productive work culture.

VII. Setting Up Infrastructure and Operations

Setting up the infrastructure of the business involves gaining physical assets, establishing operational processes, and hiring the right talent. This step varies depending on the business structure.

Acquiring physical assets may include leasing or purchasing office space, manufacturing equipment, or technology infrastructure. Implementing efficient operational processes ensures smooth workflow and customer satisfaction. Hiring the right talent, whether employees or contractors, contributes to the business’s success by bringing the required skills and expertise.

VIII. Developing a Marketing Strategy

Developing a marketing strategy is crucial for creating awareness, attracting customers, and generating revenue. Identify your target market and develop a comprehensive marketing plan that includes branding, advertising, public relations, and digital marketing, such as social media. Use both traditional and digital marketing channels to reach your target audience effectively.

IX. Building Customer Relationships

Building strong customer relations is vital for long-term success of a business. Focus on providing exceptional customer service, personalized experiences, and reliable support. Listen to customer feedback, address their concerns, and continually improve products or services based on the needs of a business. Developing a loyal customer base through positive word-of-mouth and customer referrals is invaluable for sustainable growth.

X. Launching the Business

After all the groundwork is in place, it’s time to launch the business. This involves using marketing and sales strategy to build brand awareness and executing the business plan. Effective marketing strategies, such as digital marketing, social media campaigns, or traditional advertising, help a business reach its target market and generate sales. Building a strong brand identity through logos, slogans, and consistent messaging establishes credibility and recognition. Finally, executing the business plan involves assembling all the pieces and starting operations.

XI. Monitoring and Adapting:

Once your business is up and running, it is crucial to monitor and adapt to changing market conditions. Keep a close eye on key performance indicators, financial metrics, and customer feedback. Stay up to date on industry trends, technological advancements, and the competitive landscape. Be willing to adapt strategies, launch products, or new services as needed to stay relevant and meet evolving customer demands.


Starting a business requires a well-structured and systematic approach. This entire series and the implementation steps discussed in this last post in the series provide the framework for all aspiring entrepreneurs. By following these steps, prospective business owners can increase their chances of success and navigate the complex entrepreneurial landscape. Starting a business is a challenging journey, but with careful planning and execution, it can lead to a fulfilling and rewarding experiences.

 Related: Five Reason You Need A Business Plan

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